Programs & Services

The men and women in Renewal, Inc.’s addiction treatment program are the heart of our mission: Families reunited, productive roles in society, a future filled with hope.

Programs & Services

Our mission is realized every day with dedicated staff members who believe in providing quality services to individuals in the criminal justice system to help ensure a positive reintegration back into families and communities.

Lives are changed every day with the guidance of dedicated staff members committed to providing quality services to individuals both in and out of the criminal justice system.

For 40 years, Renewal, Inc. has grown and evolved, offering life-changing programs such as Life Skills, Workforce Development, Mental Health, and Drug and Alcohol counseling.

Research has proven that evidenced-based programs and services offered by Renewal, Inc. are working. The key to that success is dedicated and compassionate staff who care for individuals who are working on the road to recovery.

Affiliate Organizations

Renewal Treatment
Lydias Place